Quotas in Lokpal ?
There are reports in today's newspapers that the Government has proposed quoats for various castes in the proposed Lokpal body.
Can corruption, especially at highest level of polity, have a differential impact based on people's caste or creed ?
Why can't the Governemt just staff the Lokpal with the most competent, honest and well meaning individuals, irrespective of their caste / religion or such other artificial divisions ?
If at all this quota can be considered rational, why not take this thought process to its logical conclusion, and have quotas for women / sports persons / freedom fighters / disabled / Project - affected ( the last category would persumably include the Congress politicians) etc etc etc ?
Till when will this country be held ransom to the divisory tactics the Britishers initiated during Raj and the Indian politicians perfected post independence ?
Can corruption, especially at highest level of polity, have a differential impact based on people's caste or creed ?
Why can't the Governemt just staff the Lokpal with the most competent, honest and well meaning individuals, irrespective of their caste / religion or such other artificial divisions ?
If at all this quota can be considered rational, why not take this thought process to its logical conclusion, and have quotas for women / sports persons / freedom fighters / disabled / Project - affected ( the last category would persumably include the Congress politicians) etc etc etc ?
Till when will this country be held ransom to the divisory tactics the Britishers initiated during Raj and the Indian politicians perfected post independence ?